Thursday, December 8, 2011

Exhibition Banner

For my Final Year Exhibition we had to create banners which were situated above our mac screens to draw peoples attention to your work. The banner was used as a promoting device of the designer you are. My concept is pretty basic and that is I am a leader. I like to find new and exciting ways to design and not follow like most sheep do.

Ouma Rusks Relaunch Campiagn

Ouma Rusk Relaunch Campaign was designed for the Foodcorp Competition. Working in a group of two we came up with the concept of "You can't choose your family but you can choose your Ouma." This relates to the variety of flavours Ouma Rusks offers as well as the different types of members of a family that have different tastes. So we created a variety pack, with four different flavours in each, for the whole family to enjoy. The slogan also relates to the embarrassing moments families have and how you can always choose your "Ouma" to escape them.

"Clan" Online Publication

Clan is an online magazine four of us created to expose designers within your neighborhoods. Many established designers are feared by the emerging and feel unapproachable but in fact they just people and this is a way to get to know them on a friendly level. Illustation: Aimee Sawyer, Zulpha Meyers and Lisa Nelson. Interactive compiler: Myself. Content: Myself

"Burnt to Smithers" Publication

"Burnt to Smithers" is an article I wrote and designed for the contemporary culture magazine "One Small Seed". I photographed the front cover, the article images are curtesy of Brendan Smithers, whom the article is about. It focuses on the work Smithers does for AfrikaBurn, an annual Art festival in the Tankwa Karoo desert, South Africa, based on Burning Man in the Nervada Desert, USA.

Corporate Identities

Corporate Identity for Wandies Place, a Shebeen in Soweto. Entered into the Antalis Paper Competition.

Self Branding Corporate Identity to market myself as a Graphic Designer.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sappi "Ideas that Matter"

Working in a group of Four we entered the Sappi "Ideas that Matter" competition. We designed and created a campaign for the NGO James House, situated in Hout Bay, Cape Town. The campaign was centered around creating awareness of the NGO as well as try get in funds for their much needed food parcels which go to residence of the near by Township. In order to break down prejudice of the township by the wealthier Hout Bay residence, we created educational packs for the Township families to educate and inspire them to "Rise Up" "Ukwaka Ikhaya" and create better lives, though true stories of people who have been in the same situation and environment. HIV and AIDS is a sever problem in the area and the food parcels help infected residence to get healthy while taking the anti-retrovirals. An unhealthy person cannot work to their full potential and thus is why a lot of the infected are unemployed. A winter ball is then held to raise funds for the NGO and pledge cards would be handed out to the guest to encourage them to donate R50 a month for the food parcels. The campaign was titled "Ukwakha Ikhaya" which means Rise up in Xhosa. To see the website what was designed for the campaign go to:

Data Visualisation

Here we ran a survey to find out how much individuals smoke, what they spend on smoking and then what they really want. So to show visually information about how much one could be saving to by what they want if they gave up smoking and how long it would take to save. Using Photoshop material goods were made to look like cigarette smoke as if they smoker is smoking away their desired goals.

BlackCurrent is a charger I created for BlackBerry phones that charges one's phone through the movement of typing. This is the packaging as well as the logo i designed for the charger, BlackCurrent.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My 21st Invites

Just to play around a little i designed invites to my 21st. Just wanted a simple, fun design that relates to my bubbly, earthy personality.

Black and White Portrait

Another Portrait I did in 2009 for a client of his son.

Freelance Work: Celebration Catering

Some Menu's I designed for a friend of mine's catering company that she sends off to clients.

Freelance Work: Mother City Hikers

Information Brochure designed for a friend of mine for her company Mother City Hikers. It is given to all backpackers and guest houses for their guests to gather further information about the hikes offered by her company.

100 People to Meet

At the end of last year, my 2nd year, we did a publication project that had to do with the number 100. I am very interested in people, their different personalities and interacting with them. So for my concept i did "100 People to Meet."

Business Cards is a face to face approach to networking, thus it became my platform for my design layout. Each person of the 100 had a "business card" with their full profile picture on the front and a description about themselves on the back, with the oppotunity to write down your telephone number and e-mail address. I left those last two things blank for the person to fill in themselves because it makes it more interactive and personal when swopping contact details with someone. The profile pictures of the people are also die cut so you can place the business card on your desk and the "person" looks like they standing up. Just a cool and different way of presenting a business card that makes it more interactive than just a flat piece of card.